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Interstellar Clash Scoring

Interstellar Clash is a recurring event that happens during the Galactic Supremacy competition in Age of Apes. Similar to the King of Apes (KOA) event, players are driven by the challenge to rank high and secure top rewards. This guide will provide you with the scoring details needed to excel in the Interstellar Clash, allowing you to enhance your legendary fighters effectively.

New players might be tempted to pour all their resources into the KOA event to place as high as possible. However, investing in the Interstellar Clash can offer long-term benefits. By ranking high in this event, you can accumulate universal medals that allow you to enhance legendary fighters you’ve already obtained, setting them up for greater success in future battles.

Use the information below to plan your potential scoring ahead of time and ensure you secure the spot you want based on your pre-determined score potential.

Scoring Details

Stage 1 – Legendary Fighters
Legendary Gene Potion
Legendary Medals
Stage 2 – Relics
Legendary Star Stone
Super Star Stone
Stage 3 – Troop Weapons / Gear
Weapon Materials Box
Weapon Blueprint
Stage 4 – Equipment and Mechs
1 Equipment Power
1,000 Mech Force
+15/1,000 Mech Force
Legendary Mech Chip
Utility Core

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